Now why am I blogging about Catholic School? Did I go there? Do I have horror stories about the nuns or worse yet, the priests? No, actually I didn't go to Catholic School but I did live up the street from Saint Phillips Catholic School (see pic) in Pasadena from about age 5 to 12. Every day I would see and hear the kids that went to this school walking by my house. I can tell you that these kids seemed to be the worst kids I had ever come across in my young life. I would see these kids smoking cigarettes and using the foulest language my young ears had ever heard! Oh my! Now maybe there was a reason why these kids were being sent to Catholic School but to me they all seemed like they should all be in Juvenile Hall. Really bad, bad kids. Anyway, that's my take on Catholic School.
I know so many of the most troubled kids I grew up with had their early education in Catholic schools. The must have felt so confined that they ended up acting out and being more wild.