Sunday, February 28, 2010


Now when I was younger I can tell you that I spent many an hour slappin' bones, that's playing dominoes for the un-hip. We didn't have these fancy video games that kids have nowadays, or computers, cell phones, iPods, etc. We would just find simple things to keep us occupied. So with some Schlitz Malt liquor and a set of bones, we would spend countless hour playing this game. Now slappin' bones is a game of skill and is known throughout the world. The are some countries that play bones with just the two ends but here in America we play off all four sides of the spinner. Shouts of "Fideen" (fifteen), "Nick the Greek" (five) and "Dime Time" (ten) were just some of the many ways you shouted out as you scored your points. Sometimes people would get so excited and slap the bones down so hard that it would make a mess of all the other dominoes on the table. HAHA! Anyway, just so you all know there is more to dominoes than standing them up and watching them all fall down.


  1. Oh yeah, give me Tennessee! Did you play on those rickety card tables that would barely withstand the beating while the Schlitz Malt liquor and Right Time (do you remember that red sweet wine cooler? It was probably the precursor to all of the popular wine coolers, but those were for chicks anyway!). And we used to spin those bones when we were really feeling it.
    Give me some "Christine!"

  2. Oh yes, how could SAXOMAN forget Tennesee or 10 for those squares out there. Yep, rickety card tables and drinking "The Bull" (Schlitz Malt).
