I'm sorry but this week I am straying from an Asian cinema pick (again) and have selected the just released (today!) Los Angeles Lakers 2008 - 2009 Championship dvd! Although the season, playoffs and finals are covered in a mere 70 minutes, tears of joy were flowing from my eyes as if the Championship had just been won. There is a lot of extra bonus material on this dvd that I haven't gone through yet but what I've seen so far all looks good! A must have for the true Laker fans! (Faker fans, stay away!)
REQUEST: As you all know I bleed purple and gold for my beloved Lakers. I try to buy all of the Championship dvd's but I waited too long one year and can no longer find the 2000 - 2001 Lakers dvd where they beat Allen Iverson and the 76'ers. If you ever stumble across this dvd, pick it up for SAXOMAN and you will have a friend for life.
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