OK, now I want to know if there are any men out there that actually watch the tv program The View. Basically this show consists of five women (see pic) yackety-yakking for an hour about a variety of topics. Now my wife likes to Tivo this program and typically likes to watch it in the evening. All I can say is that there is nothing that can put me to sleep faster than this program. This is just as bad as being dragged to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Guys, I don't know if you watch this show but if you do, all I can say is what the hell is wrong with you? HAHA!
Hilarious! I was channel surfing the other day, and I saw Steve Harvey on that ridiculous show. He looked bewildered and dazed as he was trying to figure out which one of these ladies to talk to. They were all talking at the same time! It was insane! Any guy that watches that has tendencies that we won't discuss on Saxoman's blog! Whew, what a waste of airwaves!
Amen brother!