Tuesday, October 26, 2010


My previous blog post talked about being flipped off while driving. This weekend while the wife and I were shopping at Costco there was a guy studying his coupons and blocking the aisle. I said "excuse me" twice but nothing. I guess he was too busy looking for the coupon to get the five gallon jar of mayonnaise or something. Anyway, I just went around him and loudly tapped my shopping cart with my middle finger several times although he was oblivious to what I was doing. My wife saw me do this and thought it was a little uncalled for. I didn't think it was any big deal. Anyway, the next night my wife is asking me to do some chore and I give her the typical "I'm really paying attention" look as always. I wonder if she can tell that my mind goes completely blank when she asks me do to something? My hands were where she couldn't see them and I saw her trying to catch a glimpse of my fingers. She said "I'm watching those fingers!" Huh? What? "You think I would flip you off?" I asked. Jeez....where's the trust here. I wouldn't do this would I? Hmmmm....HAHA!

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