Sunday, July 8, 2012


This morning I was doing my typical Sunday chore which is to gas up both of the cars. Now for some reason this is something I have been doing for years. I religiously fill up my car and the wife's car so they will be full for the week. I think this goes way back to when I didn't make much money and made sure I would at least have a full tank of gas to get back and forth to work all week. Anyway, back to the reason for my post. As I was putting gas in my car I noticed the lady across from me washing her windows. No big deal I thought because people do this all the time. I finished pumping my gas, went to pay and then noticed this same lady was using the window squeegee on her hood and then the top of the car as well, and on and on it went. Having just come from washing my car I can say I didn't get this at all. I mean it's not a car wash lady. Jeez........people do the nuttiest things.

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