Wednesday, April 17, 2013


OK, now don't worry. SAXOMAN is not a serial killer. I mean how could I be? Right? I mean you all know that I'm a pretty squeamish guy so stabbing and cutting up a body just wouldn't work for me. No way! HAHA! No, what makes me draw the comparisons with a serial killer and myself are the character Dexter from the Showtime series about a serial killer. Recently I started watching dvd's of Dexter and so far am on season six (of seven) seasons. Now I have really enjoyed Dexter so far but it is having a serious impact on my Asian dvd watching. I've got a ton of dvd's backing up in my queue that who knows when I will get to. Classics that will soon be my dvd picks of the week (Sleepy Eyes of Death, Lone Wolf and Cub, Samurai Assassin, etc.) Anyway, as I watch Dexter I notice a lot of similarities between myself and Dexter. I am neat and organized. I surgically lay out my morning bathroom supplies the night before. I put my keys, phone and badge all in a certain place and in a certain order. I keep my emotions at a distance and dancing? Just not my thing! HAHA!  Hmmmm....maybe I am Dexter.

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