Monday, April 27, 2009


No, no, don't worry my many readers, I am not going to deprive you of your daily reading and I am definitely not going to prison. A few years back I used to watch the HBO tv show titled OZ. This show was about life in prison and to me it seemed like a very realistic representation as to what prison life would be like. You would see some young college guys get busted and the next day they are in OZ and then made to wear earrings, lipstick and tie their shirts up like a halter top. This is just the half of it! Prison? No way, not for me. A handsome guy like me (Saxoman aka Afro-Samurai) would not do well in prison. A word of warning to all of you! Obey the law or you could end up like the guy in the photo! No thanks! HAHA!

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