Thursday, August 23, 2012


Now I'm not sure if you've noticed or not but neon is back. What? Yep, I kid you not! Now I have recently spotted neon colored shoes, sunglasses, shorts, tops, etc. among many of the items carrying the bright neon colors. Now I happen to recall when neon was first in and I believe it was about 1991 or somewhere around there. Anyway, I must admit I bought into the fad back then and had the neon shorts, the neon (Burger King) sunglasses HAHA! and the neon Nike's What? OK, let me explain. The Nike's weren't all Neon like the photo here or like you saw people wearing in the Olympics. No, these just simply had some neon trim. Well guess what? The neon fad quickly faded and I was stuck with some severely out of style shoes. So as I watch the latest neon craze I'm saying no way that I'm buying into this again. I mean a pair of Nikes will last me for years. The neon fad? I say it's over by the summer HAHA!

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