Saturday, June 20, 2009


OK, now when I was a kid I wasn't what you would call a model citizen and the friends I hung around with were probably a lot worse than me. Anyway, in high school and up until I finally turned 21 we would do whatever was necessary to score us some booze (typically Schlitz Malt Liquor). This usually meant standing outside of the liquor store waiting to ask someone who looked somewhat cool if they could buy us some booze. Typically we would see a possible candidate getting out of his car and then it would go down like this: "Hey that guy looks cool, ask him", "No, you ask him!", "No you ask him", "No you!","No you!"
On and on this went until it was too late and the guy was already in the store. Typically we would waste an hour or more doing this nonsense until we finally got someone to buy us some booze. I remember once we asked a guy to get us a couple bottles of wine and he comes out with the two bottles of wine and says "here you go, one for you and one for me!" What? What do you mean? We were too stunned (and young) to say anything when this happened.
Occasionally we would be hanging out in the parking lot of the liquor store and my Dad would show up since we were right down the street from my house! We pretended like we were just leaving and got out of there fast HAHA!
We also had a friend our age that looked a lot older than us and actually had facial hair (unlike us). He was always a sure shot when he was available. Anyway, that's just some of the many things we went through as kids trying to score some booze. I don't see kids doing this anymore so can only assume that their parents probably buy it for them. Just look what fun they're missing out on.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, yeah, the friend with the decent mustache was the go-to guy, for sure! And of course we learned which stores had the cashier least likely to care, i.e. Roma Deli & that dump on Colorado with the funny name, can't remember now. Our daredevil friend would ride his bike into Albertsons from one end and out the other door, while they were all watching him, we'd grab the beer and run, haha! Good times, man.
