Friday, October 18, 2013


Now I don't think I've blogged about this before but sometimes I lose track with over 620 blog posts to date. Anyway, one day when I was about 11 or 12 years old, two friends of mine and myself needed to go somewhere. What was the problem? Well we only had one bike (my beloved purple Stingray). Anyway, we decided to ride three on a bike. What? No problem, as we had done this before. Basically the bigger, stronger kid did the pedaling while one kid sat on the back seat with the other kid on the handlebars. Now this particular day I was sitting on the handlebars and we were all loaded up and ready to take off. We started from my front yard and went down the small hill in my yard. Then all of a sudden BAM, FLIP, CRASH, OUCH! What happened? We all went sprawling to the sidewalk after suffering a terrible tumble. It appears when we went down the small hill we went straight into the sprinkler hole and the bike and all of us flipped right over and landed on the hard cement. A real triple header HAHA! Man, that hurt! We all laid there for a good while before we finally got up and dusted ourselves off. Now I don't remember if we ended up trying to all get back on the bike or just decided to walk. I'm not really sure but what a disaster.

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