Sunday, October 27, 2013


Well since I recently blogged about Jim the Wino it also got me to thinking about the park known as Wino Park. Located in Pasadena, CA the official name of this park is Central Park but to me and my friends, it will always be known as Wino Park to us. Now I'm not sure how it originally got it's name but that's just what everyone called this park. I didn't even know until many years later that this park had an official name. You mean it's not called Wino Park I wondered? I remember many late nights as my friends and I would cruise by this park late at night on our way somewhere you could always see guys lying under the trees passed out. Now I guess as a kid I didn't realize that maybe the people there were homeless. My assumption was that they were all winos and were just passed out from too much Thunderbird, Red Mountain or Mad Dog wine. I dunno….Now one thing I notice as I sometimes cruise past this park for an early Saturday run is that there are still people sleeping under the trees. Oh well, Wino Park lives on!

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