Monday, November 28, 2011


Now I have to say that I've never really got the whole fist bump thing. I mean to me it just feels so unnatural. It's not like slapping' five or doing the regular handshake or the classic "bro" shake. To me it's more of an odd, impersonal type of thing. I mean, where did this come from and whoever decided this was hip? Now whenever anyone sticks their knuckles out at me it's like a don't know what to do. Do I barely touch the knuckles? Do I hit the knuckles hard? I dunno.....Then there's the people that go BOOM! and make and exploding motion after the fist bump. I'm sure you've all seen that one. My theory is once you see these things being done on TV sitcoms then there time has probably come and gone, like the fist bump. Anyway, just my two cents on the fist bump.

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