Monday, February 23, 2009


Does any man like getting a haircut? I went to get a haircut today and as usual I have my hair cut by a different twenty something year old airhead that you have to try and make conversation with.
I usually can't get out of there fast enough and just want it to be done and over with.
Getting a haircut is almost like going to the dentist although less painful however at the dentist you are in a private room. Getting a haircut you are out in the open for all to see.
First they shave the sides and back with clippers, then you walk to the back for a shampoo and then you make the longer (although it seems longer) walk back to the chair with your hair all wet and sticking up and YES everyone is looking at you!
They then take the scissors to your hair as your looking at everyone else who appears as miserable as you (mostly the men). They then ask if you want gel in your hair or any products, etc...Nope - I'm good - where do I pay? Lemme out of here!

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