Monday, July 6, 2009


OK now back in Junior High some of the older thugs on campus used to wear motorcycle boots or what we commonly referred to as cycle (pronounced as sickle) boots. Now none of these people actually had motorcycles but they just thought that the wearing of these cycle boots was cool. Several of my friends who were in the same grade as me started wearing these so that they could also look cool, tough, or whatever. What was funny was that when we would go to a party the older thugs would see my friends wearing these boots and tell them to "take those boots off! You can't wear those!" My friends would then be walking around the party in their bare feet as they either had to take off the boots or get beaten up. HAHA! The only friend that got a free pass and was allowed to wear these boots was Eddie Van Halen. He could wear these boots because he was giving guitar lessons to one of the members of the Los Compradres motorcycle gang.
Anyway, when my friends would get humiliated and have to take off their shoes I would just shake my head and say "Man, I don't know why you wear those stupid things".

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